Terms and Conditions

The Regulations specify detailed rules for using the online store available at www.riviacosmetics.com.pl, including the conditions for placing orders for Products available in the online store, the rules for delivering the ordered Products to the Customer, the methods and deadlines for paying prices for these Products, the Customer’s rights related to with withdrawal from the contract and the rules for submitting complaints.

The online store cares about consumer rights. The provisions of the Regulations do not exclude or limit any rights of Consumers under mandatory provisions of law, and any doubts should be resolved in favor of the Consumer.


    1. The online store available at riviacosmetics.com.pl is run by Rivia Global Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Sochaczew, Żuków 86e, 96-500 Sochaczew (which is also the address for service), entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw. Warsaw – in Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000718324, NIP 8371840448, REGON 369464529.
    2. The Regulations are addressed to both Customers who are and are not Consumers, using the Online Store, Electronic Services or concluding Sales Agreements (except for point IX of the Regulations, which is addressed to Customers who are not Consumers).
    3. Acceptance of the Regulations is voluntary, but necessary to create an Account and/or for the Customer to place an Order.
    4. The information presented in the Online Store constitutes an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code, addressed by Riviacosmetics.com.pl to Customers, and not an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code.
    5. Whenever the following phrases written with a capital letter are used later in the Regulations, they should be understood in the meaning given below, unless the context of their use clearly indicates otherwise:
      1. REGULATIONS – this document specifying the rules for concluding Sales Agreements and the rules for the provision and use of services made available by Riviacosmetics.com.pl via the Online Store to Customers. The Regulations specify the rights and obligations of the Customer, Riviacosmetics.com.pl;
  1. Rivia Global Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Sochaczew, Żuków 86e, 96-500 Sochaczew (which is also the address for service), entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw. Warsaw in Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000718324, NIP 8371840448, REGON 369464529;

      1. ONLINE STORE – a platform enabling the Customer to place Orders and provide services provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl, run by Riviacosmetics.com.pl, constituting a set of interconnected websites, available at the Internet address: www.riviacosmetics.com.pl.
      2. CUSTOMER – (a) a natural person; or a legal person acting through an authorized person; or (c) an organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by law; having full legal capacity. If the Customer is a natural person with limited legal capacity, he/she undertakes to obtain the legally effective consent of his/her legal representative to conclude the Service Provision Agreement/Sales Agreement and to provide such consent at each request of Riviacosmetics.com.pl, provided that the principles of Sales Agreements concluded within the Online Store are contracts commonly concluded in minor, current matters of everyday life.
      3. ACCOUNT – marked with an individual name (Login) and Password provided by the Customer, a set of data provided by the Customer, in particular data about him, his Orders, methods of delivering them and paying for them, enabling and facilitating the Customer’s use of Bielenda.com. The Customer gains access to the Account using Login and Password. The Customer logs in to his Account after registering in the Online Store. The account allows you to save and store information about the Customer’s address details for shipping Products, track the status of the Order, access to the history of Orders and Reservations and other services provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl
      4. LOGIN – the Customer’s e-mail address provided in the Online Store when creating the Account.
      5. PASSWORD – a string of characters necessary for authorization when accessing the Account, specified by the Customer when creating the Account. The Customer is obliged to keep the Password confidential (not to disclose it to any third parties). Riviacosmetics.com.pl provides the Customer with the opportunity to change the Password multiple times.
      6. ORDER – the Customer’s declaration of will expressing the direct will to conclude a Sales Agreement, specifying the Product for which the Customer submits an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement and the Customer’s data necessary for the possible conclusion and execution of the Sales Agreement. An order may be assigned one number, and all offers will be processed in parallel. Acceptance of the Order means conclusion of the Sales Agreement (see below).
      7. SALES AGREEMENT – a sales agreement within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code, regarding the sale by Riviacosmetics.com.pl to the Customer of the Product against payment of the Price plus any additional fees (e.g. gift packaging), including shipping costs, the conditions of which are specified in particular in these Regulations . The Sales Agreement is concluded between the Customer and Riviacosmetics.com.pl using means of distance communication, after the Order is accepted by Riviacosmetics.com.pl on the terms set out in these Regulations. The Sales Agreement specifies in particular the Product, its main features, Price, shipping costs and other important conditions. Each Product is the subject of a separate Sales Agreement.
      8. BASKET – a service made available to each Customer who uses the Online Store, which allows him to place an Order for one or several Products, enter discount codes enabling a price reduction on the terms specified in separate agreements/regulations, display a summary of the Price of individual Products and all Products in total (including or shipping costs), displaying the expected delivery date of the Products. The basket collects offers submitted by the Customer to conclude a Sales Agreement, i.e. more than one offer to conclude a Sales Agreement may be submitted under one Order, but not more than 10 (ten) products.
      9. PRODUCT – a movable item available in the Online Store which is the subject of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and Riviacosmetics.com.pl against payment of the Price.
      10. PRICE – the amount of gross remuneration (including tax) specified in Polish zlotys, due to Riviacosmetics.com.pl for the transfer of ownership of the Product to the Customer in accordance with the Sales Agreement. The price does not include delivery costs, unless the terms of the Promotion used within the Online Store provide otherwise.
      11. ELECTRONIC SERVICE – provision of services by electronic means within the meaning of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), by Riviacosmetics.com.pl to the Customer via the Online Store, in accordance with the Service Agreement. To the extent that services are provided by entities cooperating with Riviacosmetics.com.pl, appropriate provisions regarding the rules for using these services are included in the regulations regarding the provision of services by these entities.
      12. WORKING DAY – a day from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
      13. PROMOTIONS – special terms of sale or provision of services, regulated in accordance with the principles expressed in the Online Store, proposed by Riviacosmetics.com.pl within a specified period, from which the Customer may take advantage of the principles specified therein, such as reducing the Price or shipping costs.
      14. NEWSLETTER – Electronic Service that enables all Customers using it to receive periodic information from Riviacosmetics.com.pl about Products and the Online Store, including new products and promotions, to the e-mail address or telephone number provided by the Customer, with the express consent of the Customer.
      15. CONSUMER – a natural person concluding a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his or her business or professional activity.
      16. CIVIL CODE – Civil Code Act of April 23, 1964 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2022.1360, as amended).
      17. ACT ON CONSUMER RIGHTS, ACT – Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2020.287, as amended).


    1. Riviacosmetics.com.pl provides the following Electronic Services to Customers free of charge via the Online Store:
      1. maintaining the Account;
      2. enabling Customers to place Orders and conclude Sales Agreements, on the terms set out in these Regulations;
      3. presenting customers with advertising content tailored to their interests;
      4. enabling Customers to use the Shopping Cart services;
      5. enabling viewing of Content posted within the Online Store;

    1. Using the Account is possible after the Customer completes the following steps:
      1. completing the registration form and accepting the provisions of these Regulations;
      2. clicking the “Register” box.
    2. The Service Provision Agreement is concluded when the Customer receives confirmation of the conclusion of the Service Provision Agreement sent by Riviacosmetics.com.pl to the e-mail address provided by the Customer during registration. The account is provided free of charge for an indefinite period of time. The Customer may, at any time and without giving a reason, delete the Account by sending a request to Riviacosmetics.com.pl, in particular via e-mail to the following address: sklep@riviaglobal.pl. Creating an Account is not required to place an Order in the Online Store.
    3. The use of the Cart begins when the Customer adds the first Product to the Cart.
    4. The basket is provided free of charge and is of a one-time nature and ends when an Order is placed through it or when the Customer stops placing an Order through it. The basket remembers information about the Products.

selected by the Customer also after the end of the browser session, including logging out, for a period no longer than 7 days, however, it does not ensure the availability of the Products selected by the Customer in order to enable placing an Order at a later date.

    1. The customer is obliged in particular to:
      1. providing only true, current and all necessary customer data in the forms available in the Online Store;
      2. immediate updating of data, including personal data, provided by the Customer to Riviacosmetics.com.pl in connection with the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, in particular to the extent necessary for their proper performance; The Customer may change the data entered when creating the Account at any time using the options available within the Account;
      3. use the services and functionalities provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl in a way that does not disrupt the operation of the Online Store;
      4. use the services and functionalities provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl in a manner consistent with the provisions of law, the provisions of the Regulations, as well as with the customs and principles of social coexistence adopted in a given area;
      5. timely payment of the Price and other costs agreed by the Customer and Riviacosmetics.com.pl in full amount;
      6. timely collection of Products ordered using the delivery and cash on delivery method;
      7. not to provide or transmit content prohibited by law within the Online Store, in particular content that infringes the proprietary copyrights of third parties or their personal rights;
      8. not taking actions such as:
        • sending or posting unsolicited commercial information in the Online Store or posting any content that violates the law (prohibition of posting illegal content);
        • undertaking IT activities or any other activities aimed at obtaining information not intended for the Customer, including data of other Customers, or interfering with the principles or technical aspects of the operation of the Online Store and making payments;
        • modifying in an unauthorized manner the content provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl, in particular prices or product descriptions provided in the Online Store
    2. Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services may be submitted:
      1. in writing to the following address: Żuków 86 e, 96-500 Sochaczew
      2. in electronic form via e-mail to: sklep@riviaglobal.pl;
    3. Riviacosmetics.com.pl responds to the complaint immediately, no later than 30 days from the date of its submission, in accordance with Art. 7a section 1 of the Act, unless a different deadline is provided for in legal provisions or separate regulations.


    1. As part of the Online Store, on the terms specified in the Regulations, it is possible to conclude Sales Agreements with Riviacosmetics.com.pl The main features of the service, including the subject of the service and the method of communication with the Customer, are specified on the Product page or in another manner appropriate for a given Product, in within the Online Store.
    2. Riviacosmetics.com.pl allows you to place Orders directed to Riviacosmetics.com.pl in the Online Store. The conclusion of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and Riviacosmetics.com.pl takes place after the Customer places an Order.
    3. Riviacosmetics.com.pl enables the Customer to place an Order via the Online Store in the following way:
      1. The Customer adds the selected Product(s) to the Cart and then proceeds to the order form. Riviacosmetics.com.pl may provide additional services in the Online Store for the Product added to the Cart, e.g. personalization, adding other related Products;
      2. The Customer with an Account confirms the validity of the data necessary to conclude and implement the Sales Agreement in the order form. A User who does not have an Account must complete the order form independently with the data necessary to conclude and implement the Sales Agreement. In any case, providing outdated or false customer data may prevent the implementation of the Sales Agreement. In the order form, the Customer must provide the following data regarding the Customer: name and surname, address (street, house/apartment number, postal code, city, country), e-mail address, contact telephone number and data regarding the Sales Agreement: Product/s , quantity of the Product(s), if available, type, color and size of the Product, place and method of delivery of the Product(s), method of payment. In the case of Customers who are not Consumers, it is also necessary to provide the company and, if they requested a VAT invoice in the VAT invoice form, also the Tax Identification Number. As part of the development of Products or services available in the Online Store, an obligation may be introduced to provide, in the content of the Order form or in another appropriate place, other information regarding the Product or the Customer, appropriate and, in the case of personal data, also necessary, in particular due to the specificity of the Product or services, e.g. to personalize the Product;
      3. The Customer selects one of the delivery methods provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl and the methods of payment of the Price and any other total costs of implementing the Sales Agreement indicated in the order form;
      4. The Customer sends Riviacosmetics.com.pl an Order (submits an offer) using the functionality of the Online Store provided for this purpose (“I order and pay”). In the case of a Customer who does not have an Account and has not previously accepted the Regulations, acceptance of the Regulations is required;
      5. When placing an Order, until you click “Order and pay”, the Customer has the opportunity to independently correct the entered data in the “Cart” panel by adding or removing a given item from the Cart. Deleting a given item may result in automatic removal of another item from the Basket due to the direct relationship between the Products;
    4. In response to the Order, an automatic message is sent to the Customer to the e-mail address provided by the Customer for this purpose, confirming receipt of the Order and the commencement of its verification.
    5. After verifying the Order, without undue delay, the Customer will receive a message to the provided e-mail address containing:
      1. confirmation of acceptance of one or more individual offers for Products submitted as part of the Order and confirmation of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement (acceptance of the Order for the Products indicated in the message); or
      2. information about the non-acceptance of all offers for Products submitted as part of the Order, in particular due to lack of payment or failure to collect the shipment.
    6. The Sales Agreement is concluded upon confirmation of the offer(s), i.e. receipt by the Customer of the message referred to in section 6.1) above in the scope of the Products indicated therein. The Customer will receive confirmation of the terms of the Sales Agreement to the e-mail address provided by the Customer.
    7. If it is not possible to accept all or some of the offers submitted as part of the Order, Riviacosmetics.com.pl will contact the Customer in order to:
      1. informing the Customer about the impossibility of accepting all offers submitted under the Order to conclude the Sales Agreement; or
      2. confirmation by the Customer of the will to complete the Order in the part in which it was accepted. The Customer may then cancel the placed Order in its entirety (within the scope of all offers), which does not affect his right to withdraw from the contract. Canceling the Order by the Customer releases Riviacosmetics.com.pl from the obligation to complete it. In the event of cancellation of the Order, paragraph. 8 below.
    8. If it is not possible to accept the offers/s submitted as part of the Order, the Sales Agreement for the Products indicated by Riviacosmetics.com.pl is not concluded, and Riviacosmetics.com.pl will immediately, no later than within 14 days, refund the payments made by the Customer to the Customer. , to the extent that the Sales Agreement has not been concluded.
    9. The Customer may be informed about the status of the Order, in particular by receiving messages to the e-mail address provided by the Customer and via SMS.
    10. Riviacosmetics.com.pl tries to ensure the availability of Products and the implementation of the Sales Agreement. In the event of impossibility of performance and in other situations specified by law, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code may apply, including Art. 493-495 of the Civil Code, in particular regarding the obligation to immediately return the benefit to the Consumer.
    11. The total value of the Order includes the Price, shipping costs and any other costs of optional paid services selected by the Customer. The Online Store may define a minimum order value threshold for which the shipment of Products is free. The Customer is informed about the total price including taxes of the Product that is the subject of the Order, as well as about delivery costs (including transport, delivery and postal service fees) and other costs when placing the Order, including when the Customer expresses his will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.
    12. Promotions valid in the Online Store cannot be combined, unless the provisions of the Promotion expressly provide otherwise.


    1. Riviacosmetics.com.pl provides the Customer with various payment methods under the Sales Agreement.
    2. Possible current payment methods are specified in the Online Store in the “Payment methods” tab and each time the Customer expresses his will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.
    3. Available payment methods:
      – Payment cards – Electronic payments (BLIK) – Electronic payments (“PayU I Pay Later”) – Electronic payments

    1. Settlement of electronic payment and payment card transactions is carried out in accordance with the Customer’s choice via authorized services.
    2. If Riviacosmetics.com.pl does not receive the payment of a Customer who has chosen payment in advance, i.e. payment by transfer, electronic payment or payment by payment card, Riviacosmetics.com.pl may contact the Customer to remind the Customer about the payment, including by sending an e-mail. -mail.
    3. Failure to make payment in the case of electronic payment or payment by payment card – within 72 hours of placing the Order will result in failure to accept the offer submitted by the Customer as part of the Order. The Customer may also cancel the Order without penalty by contacting Riviacosmetics.com.pl until he or she receives the information that the Order has been shipped, which does not affect his or her right to withdraw from the contract.
    4. The entity providing online payment services is PayU SA.


    1. Delivery of the Product to the Customer is subject to payment, unless the Sales Agreement provides otherwise. Currently available methods and costs of Product delivery are indicated to the Customer in the “Delivery time and methods” tab in the Online Store and each time the Customer expresses his will to be bound by the Sales Agreement.
    2. Available delivery methods may depend on the payment method or Product selected by the Customer. Available delivery methods may change if several Orders are placed at the same time, in particular due to the Products covered by them.
    3. The total waiting time for the Customer to receive the Product (delivery date) includes the time of preparing the Order for shipment by Riviacosmetics.com.pl and the time of delivering the Product by the carrier.
    4. The order processing time is up to 5 business days
    5. The order will be delivered to the customer using one of the couriers: Kurier DPD, Kurier DHL, Paczkomat Orlen Paczka, Paczkomat InPost
    6. The time needed to prepare the Order for shipment by Riviacosmetics.com.pl is each time presented on the subpage of a given Product and is counted from the day (beginning of the delivery period):
      1. crediting the bank account or settlement account of Riviacosmetics.com.pl – if the Customer chooses the payment method in the form of electronic payment or payment card;
      2. concluding a Sales Agreement – if the Customer chooses the cash on delivery method.
    7. The above time should include the time of delivery of the Product by a given carrier, which depends on the form of delivery chosen by the Customer and is each time presented on the subpage of a given Product and in the “Order fulfillment” tab in the Online Store.


    1. The basis and scope of liability of Riviacosmetics.com.pl towards the Customer if the sold Product has a physical or legal defect (warranty) are specified in the provisions of the Civil Code, in particular in Art. 556 et seq. of the Civil Code.
    2. Riviacosmetics.com.pl is obliged to provide the Customer with a Product without defects.
    3. A complaint may be submitted by the Customer, e.g. to the following e-mail address: office@riviaglobal.pl Riviacosmetics.com.pl may request that the Product be delivered to Riviacosmetics.com.pl together with the complaint in order to enable Riviacosmetics.com.pl to examine the Product. Details regarding the methods of free delivery of the Product by the Customer in connection with a complaint provided by Riviacosmetics.com.pl can be found in the Online Store in the “Complaints” tab.
    4. If the sold Product has a defect, the Customer may:
      1. submit a declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, unless Riviacosmetics.com.pl immediately and without excessive inconvenience to the Customer replaces the defective Product with a defect-free one or removes such a defect. The reduced price should be in such proportion to the price resulting from the contract that the value of the Product with a defect remains to the value of the Product without a defect. The Customer may not withdraw from the contract if the defect of the Product is immaterial;
      2. demand replacement of the Product with a defect-free one or removal of the defect. Riviacosmetics.com.pl is obliged to replace the defective Product with a defect-free one or remove the defect within a reasonable time without excessive inconvenience to the Customer, subject to reservations and on the terms set out in the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.
    5. It is suggested that the Customer provide in the description of the complaint: (1) information and circumstances regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the defect; (2) request how to bring the Product into compliance with the Sales Agreement or a declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement; and (3) contact details of the person filing the complaint – this will facilitate and speed up the consideration of the complaint by Riviacosmetics.com.pl.
    6. Riviacosmetics.com.pl will respond to the Customer’s complaint no later than 21 days from the date of its receipt. This deadline may be extended by the time necessary for the Customer to complete the information necessary in the opinion of Riviacosmetics.com.pl to consider the complaint. If the Customer requested the replacement of the item or removal of the defect or submitted a declaration of price reduction, specifying the amount by which the price is to be reduced, and Riviacosmetics.com.pl does not respond to this request within 21 days from the date of its receipt, it is considered that he considered this request justified.
    7. In the event that in order for Riviacosmetics.com.pl to respond to the Customer’s complaint or to exercise the Customer’s rights under the warranty, it will be necessary to deliver the Product to the seller, in accordance with Art. 561(2) in connection with joke. 354 § 2 of the Civil Code, the Customer will be obliged to deliver the Product at the seller’s expense to the address Żuków 86e, 96-500 Sochaczew.


    1. A consumer who has concluded a distance contract may withdraw from it without giving a reason and without incurring any costs other than those provided for by law, within 14 days from the date of receipt of the order.
    2. The deadline for withdrawing from the Sales Agreement starts from the day the Consumer or a third party indicated by him, other than the carrier, takes possession of the Product.
    3. In the event of withdrawal from a distance contract, the contract is deemed not to have been concluded.
    4. Riviacosmetics.com.pl is obliged to immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s declaration of withdrawal from the contract, return to the Consumer the payments made by him, including the costs of delivery of the Product (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by the Customer). other than the cheapest regular delivery method available in the Online Store). Riviacosmetics.com.pl refunds the payments made by the Consumer using the same payment method used by the Consumer.
    5. The consumer is obliged to immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Sales Agreement, return the Product to Riviacosmetics.com.pl. Riviacosmetics.com.pl may refrain from refunding funds until the Products subject to return are received by Riviacosmetics.com.pl or until the Consumer provides proof of their return, depending on which event occurs first.


    1. Providing personal data by the Customer is voluntary, but necessary to create an Account, use specific Electronic Services, conclude a Sales Agreement or make a Reservation.
    2. Detailed information on personal data protection is included in the “GDPR” tab available in the Online Store.


    1. A Customer with an Account who placed an Order may post an opinion about the Product he or she purchased.
    2. Riviacosmetics.com.pl publishes opinions about Products after checking whether they comply with the principles of these Regulations, and also reserves the right to delete an opinion about a Product that turns out not to meet the principles of these Regulations after its publication. The opinion published by the Seller cannot be changed or deleted by the Customer.
    3. It is prohibited to include in opinions false data, data contrary to the law or good practices, promotional content or content containing references to gender, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, denomination, worldview, disability, age or sexual orientation.
    4. By posting an opinion, the customer confirms that he is its author and is responsible for any damage to Riviacosmetics.com.pl related to its placement.
    5. By posting an opinion, the Customer grants Riviacosmetics.com.pl consent to use the opinion without time and territorial restrictions by disseminating the opinion along with disclosing the name of the Customer as the author of the opinion, at the discretion of Riviacosmetics.com.pl.


    1. The Regulations are valid from July 1, 2023.
    2. In matters not regulated in these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular: the Civil Code; Act on the provision of electronic services of July 18, 2002 (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended); provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights of May 30, 2014 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827, as amended); and other relevant provisions of generally applicable law.
    3. Riviacosmetics.com.pl reserves the right to change these Regulations. Changes to the Regulations will not violate the rights of Customers who placed an Order before the date of entry into force of the change.

Changes to the Regulations enter into force after 7 days from the date of their publication on the website www.riviacosmetics.com.pl. Riviacosmetics.com.pl will inform about changes via e-mail sent to the Customer’s address. If the Customer does not agree to the change, he should activate the “I do not accept the change to the Regulations” command. Failure to accept the change will result in the inability to place Orders at Riviacosmetics.com.pl


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